02 9725 5574

Services Offered

Specialised storage and materials handling

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One company. Many services.

At Warehouse by Design, we strive to provide you with the best solution for your business and warehouse, whether you are looking for a small set up for home, or a large scale set up for a brand new facility – we are here to help you!

Warehouse Layout Design & Consultancy

Whether you are building a new premise, relocating or extending, Warehouse By Design have extensive experience in designing warehouses and storage solutions; therefore will undoubtably create a design to best meet your specifications. We will find you the Perfect Solution!

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Structural Design Certification

Pallet Racking in Australia is covered under the Australian Standards AS 4084 Steel Storage Racking. This standard outlines the specifications, procedures and guidelines – it covers all aspects from Design, Installation and Operation. It is key to ensure your storage system is compliant, safe and durable.

The structural integrity of ColbyRACK is ensured through the Colby RackMan Program. RackMan certification is the ColbyRACK product performance badge of excellence, and guarantees that your system will always meet, and often exceed the safety standards inherent in AS 4084. Through the automated generation of RackMan certification letters, customized to a particular racking configuration, we can guarantee the load capacity and strength of ColbyRACK.

Peace of mind is offered with each design in the comfort of knowing that Colby RackMan can be relied upon to produce rack designs that are safe, thereby protecting your personnel and products; aiding you to fulfil your fiduciary responsibilities.

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Load & Safety Signs

As part of the Australian Standard AS 4084-2012 it is compulsory for all racking installations to permanently display a Load Rating sign fixed mechanically to the structure.

Each Load Sign must include:

  • The Unit Load Limit
  • The Load Limit for each Pallet Beam Level
  • The Total Load Limit per bay
  • The manufacturers and suppliers name, together with the date of installation
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Safety Audits

It is MANDATORY for all businesses to have their racking inspected at least once every 12 months, under the AS 4084-2012, this is regardless of size, working loads, or traffic.

Warehouse By Design can assist with your regular ‘health’ checks by auditing and inspecting your system. Our experienced assessors can make recommendations for any damage repairs, after inspecting your rack, and providing a detailed report on any damage and compliance issues with design standards and load capabilities. We will soon have you compliant, offering you piece of mind!

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We’re here to help.
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Testimonial Short Snippet

Nunc nec fringilla erat. Quisque maximus ac ipsum non luctus. Pellentesque nulla lectus, ornare in ullamcorper ac, vulputate id dolor. In faucibus magna non erat congue, vitae auctor mi consequat. Pellentesque bibendum enim at pharetra dignissim. Duis ut mauris venenatis, cursus turpis id. Maecenas ac ipsum ultrices, tincidunt nibh nec, mollis ligula. Sed ultrices nibh eu neque pretium convallis ut a eros. Praesent et sodales metus. Phasellus mauris magna, scelerisque in sapien at, elementum luctus enim.

Client Name, Company

Testimonial Short Snippet 2

Nunc nec fringilla erat. Quisque maximus ac ipsum non luctus. Pellentesque nulla lectus, ornare in ullamcorper ac, vulputate id dolor. In faucibus magna non erat congue, vitae auctor mi consequat. Pellentesque bibendum enim at pharetra dignissim. Duis ut mauris venenatis, cursus turpis id. Maecenas ac ipsum ultrices, tincidunt nibh nec, mollis ligula. Sed ultrices nibh eu neque pretium convallis ut a eros. Praesent et sodales metus. Phasellus mauris magna, scelerisque in sapien at, elementum luctus enim.

Client Name 2, Company 2

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NSW Head Office


(02) 9725 5574

35 Tarlington Place, Smithfield NSW 2164

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