Structural Design Certification
Pallet Racking in Australia is covered under the Australian Standards AS 4084 Steel Storage Racking. This standard outlines the specifications, procedures and guidelines – it covers all aspects from Design, Installation and Operation. It is key to ensure your storage system is compliant, safe and durable.
The structural integrity of ColbyRACK is ensured through the Colby RackMan Program. RackMan certification is the ColbyRACK product performance badge of excellence, and guarantees that your system will always meet, and often exceed the safety standards inherent in AS 4084. Through the automated generation of RackMan certification letters, customized to a particular racking configuration, we can guarantee the load capacity and strength of ColbyRACK.
Peace of mind is offered with each design in the comfort of knowing that Colby RackMan can be relied upon to produce rack designs that are safe, thereby protecting your personnel and products; aiding you to fulfil your fiduciary responsibilities.
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